
Can the culture represent a driving force of economic development for the territory?

Can the culture represent a driving force of economic development for the territory?
RALIAN Research & Consultancy srl CEO, Valentina Di Milla, gave her answer in the seminar addressed to students of the three-year period of Marketing and Tourism of the “Fermi” Technical-Economic Institute of Gaeta (Italy).
The speech has been focused on the theme of cultural and creative enterprise, a new way of doing economy on a global level, which provides for the humanization of production processes, creativity as the beating heart of the company, cultural promotion at the center of interest entrepreneurial.
Recognized by the European Union as an essential factor for the economic and social growth of the entire European territory, participating in the EU Gross Domestic Product for approximately 3%, cultural enterprises are the new challenge in an innovative economic context.
The cultural enterprise represents a network of human values ​​placed at the center of an economic project to spread territorial, cultural, artistic, technological, creative and, therefore, professional beauty.
It follows that the creative and cultural industry is a natural added value for any other company in the industrial sector.
The video of the interview is available at the minute 2.32 on